Parution - Magnetic Mounting Systems for Museums & Cultural Institutions - By Gwen Spicer

"After many years of work and perseverance, I am excited to announce the official release of Magnetic Mounting Systems for Museums & Cultural Institutions! The on-going support for this book has been overwhelming and appreciated beyond words. The book is available for purchase at and international shipping options are available.
Writing this book has been a labor of love and a non-stop learning experience; from the all of the amazing possibilities of magnets and magnetic mounting systems to the intricacies involved in book publishing. The experience of writing and publishing this book been rewarding beyond expectation especially in the willingness of colleagues and other professionals in the field to contribute information and examples for the case studies. I am thrilled to finally be able to share all of the information I have researched and learned about magnets and designing magnetic mounting systems with everyone.
I hope that this book inspires you to explore all the possibilities magnets have to offer and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have! Thank you!
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