Parution -  actes de la conférence 2022 ACAWA : Ensuring high quality in safeguarding Cultural Heritage - The vital importance of protecting the title and regulating the profession of Conservation-Restoration in Europe

Les actes de la conférence organisée par l’association grecque des conservateurs-restaurateurs ACAWA, qui s’est tenue à l’issue de l’assemblée générale 2022 de l’E.C.C.O. en mai à Athènes sont parus. Vous pouvez les télécharger au format PDF en anglais :
ACAWA-GR Conference Proceedings. Ensuring high quality in safeguarding Cultural Heritage - The vital importance of protecting the title and regulating the profession of Conservation-Restoration in Europe. This book contains the papers of E.C.C.O. national member associations that attended the presidents’ meeting and conference held in Athens by A.C.A.W.A.-Gr in May 2022. 
This publication reflects the current educational level, legal context and working environment of conservator-restorers across Europe at a national level. Focusing on the existing structure, E.C.C.O. members introduce the challenges met in cultural heritage preservation and open the dialogue for a European framework in mutual recognition of the profession and quality standards.